Saturday, April 30, 2011


I missed the old times of my life. Where I have no big serious responsibilities. Well, Yep school is a huge responsibility for me. Especially if you are on your MBA.

Well, I don't know what's wrong with me. My learning mind doesn't work when I am at home. I told myself, countless of times to study.. and be serious at it! And what? I haven't finished yet. I have let 24 house -- most of it in watching TV. T_T Now I am doomed! I don't know what will happen. Plus, There are so many things I have to submit on or before Monday. Well, Just like What i said in my previous blog, there's always room for a change.. :)

Good thing that I can identify my weaknesses. Now I must work my way through it! I know I can... well.... CAN I?

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