Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Search and Find

As I am going through searching .... searching about something online. I've come across to this amazing youtube video about C3. If you would like to watch it it's called Creating a Worship Team in 3 Days! If you want to watch it. Just click the link! :)

Then my search into something I-am-not-quite-sure-what made me learn about C3. Oh and their website is at http://www.thec3church.com/ One word, God is amazing! 

For more information about C3, Thank you Wikipedia! So, C3 was formerly Christian City Church Oxford Falls. They are from Australia. Pentacostal megachurch based in Sydney, Australia and is the largest congregation in the Christian City Church movement.

That's what they are according to Wikipedia but for me, in order to know C3 is by joining them in their Sunday worship! I am blessed enough, even though I am not near Australia, by listening to their PODCAST!

And truly indeed if you keep on searching you'll find what you've been looking for. I found grace! I found Love! and found blessing!

I encourage you to visit their website! Especially their media page! Just go over and click on the tabs above and choose MEDIA. But if you don't want and directly go into PODCAST page then click >> THIS << 


Have a blessed day everyone!

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