A blog for people who enjoy life, desperate for change and wants genuine happiness ..
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Living for Jesus
What we are doing for God, forsaking or should I say choosing God over the things that we want isn't a sacrifice. We must think and see the big picture of things that are happening around. We must be able to see what we are here for.
What we are doing for the Lord is an opportunity to give praise and glory to Him and to His name. It's a gratitude for Him who saved us from all our sins. Besides, what is it that we can best offer Him than our lives? He loves us, He redeem us. I think it's best to start walking forward to whom who's calling you.
Jesus started calling you even before you were made. It's your choice whether to answer or not. But let me say to you that, When God called you, He is calling you. His plans are much greater and much fulfilling than any kind of plans that you may have or other people may have for you. His reward is far much better than any material things here on earth.
It really pays to follow Jesus!

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Immovable Great Plans
I am praising God because He plans ahead. Even before everything has made, He already has the blue print of every living creature/thing moving on earth.
Let me share you what I've read, and it moved me. The saddest choice that a person can do is not choosing what he thinks is right in God's eyes but practically choosing nothing. Hoping for God to give a clear answer for a destination. Though that isn't the exact words from the book but the thought is the same. We Christians should make our first step in order for us to know where God is pointing us.
We will know the direction when we're on the journey. Trusting the compass and looking on the map will help us accomplish and finish the journey.
God helps, God rewards(Hebrews 11:1), Trust Him and let Him interrupt your life. Invest on what is eternal not on the things that are temporary.
God bless!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What is the real thing about Worship?
I read through from verse 1 until verse 10. This is David's Praise and Worship to God but what is the real thing behind Praise and Worship? When I started my Christian faith when I was in 4th grade(I think I was 10 then) every people that I knew at the church have that Praise and Worship idea on their mind, that it was an act of singing. Singing your heart out to God and feel His presence in the place. So this is the culture that we have at our church and as a young Christian, no one taught me that Praise and Worship is more than what we thought it could be.
I love playing guitar. My previous pastor taught me how to play this very strenuous instrument. I loved violin but guitar made it through my heart. I planned of being the best guitarist girl ever in our small town but I am too shy to show everyone that I am playing so I just kept my little talent aside and let them do their own thing. Then a very good musician came and asked me if I am interested of becoming a better guitarist - doing lead guitar. Then I thought this is the moment that I've been waiting for. I can give the best Praise and Worship to God with this. I said yes to him.
The training went on and we didn't finish the entire training course 'cause we have things to attend to. In short we got busy. Then there I am again, in a state of waiting and not giving or exerting any effort to Praise and Worship. God said in Psalm 34:9(emphasis added), "Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. " I maybe a fearful person when it comes to everything, especially when church council is appointing you to have a new responsibility.
Ok, Fear the Lord. What does it mean? I checked out my sisters Tagalog Bible. What I've learned is that fear is related to obedience. Fear of God is not a fear like you've seen a ghost. Fear of God is like fearing someone in a higher position than you. A greater person than you. A Majestic King that is deserving of our respect, honor and obedience. When you fear God, you Obey.
So there I was sitting and still digesting what God has been telling all these years of Praising and Worshiping. My journey toward God's destination is like a funny yet very challenging. I learned many things along the way. So this one is one of those funny yet very serious Christian values that God had taught me.
Ok, setting things straight. Since I fear God and fear is equals to obeying the cultural knowledge of Praise and Worship in my head should go down 100 notches to the ocean. The singing time in our church is one of the most important thing that we have. I would like to give an emphasis on this, that singing is just ONE act of the many WORSHIP acts that we can do to the our King. Therefore, we should be seeking the real thing about PRAISE AND WORSHIP.
What is the real thing? you may ask. The real thing is you. YOURSELF. God wants you to worship Him through the way you live your life, the way you talk to other people, your relationship to your family and to your community. Your life can be a worship to God. It can give glory to His name. However, how do you live your life? Is it worth Christ dying for? do you live your life like a leaf blown and tossed by the winds.
If you want to give glory to God, then change what how you live. I love what my Pastor would always remind us. If you want change, then don't do the same stuffs all over again! and I laugh. Besides, all you have to do is to give just 1% of courage and the rest is faith. The 99% is for God.
Believe, have faith, walk on the journey that you were created for. You won't find the real essence of life if you don't follow the One who OWNS you(if you accepted Him as your Lord and Savior.)
God bless!

Monday, June 8, 2009
An Extraodinary Commitment
Though things got really tough on Naomi's family, she didn't stop at trusting God. However, what amazes me was the fact that there's a person who's willing to be with you at whatever cost, in whatever situation you maybe or at wherever place God will lead you.
Let's take a look at Ruth's declaration of her outstanding and extraordinary commitment:
"16 But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. 17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me." 18 When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her. " Ruth 1:16-18
I admire her commitment to Naomi even though she lost her husband, she decided to stick with her mother-in-law. For some reason she just wanted to be with her. I love it when she said "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried." I almost cried hearing this in my heart. What a woman! She really loved her mother-in-law.
Just come to think of the fact that they will walk on an unknown journey. Not sure where God will lead them and uncertain if they will have enough food to eat or water to drink. In short, Noami is in a state of nothingness. Having nothing left behind her and a destination which she is not certain if she can accomplish or not.
But Ruth stayed with her all the way. I admire her for being such a wonderful woman. Even though she's a foreigner in Naomi's land, she embraces everything about Naomi. Her culture, her people, her way of life and most especially her God. No wonder why our very good Lord blesses her and her household ten thousand folds!
This made me think of everything Ruth had given up for Naomi. She didn't even think of going back from where she came from or I really haven't heard any complaints from her.
A commitment like hers makes God very happy. How I wish we all could have the same extraordinary commitment with God through our ministries and the things that we do for Him. Our responsibilities for our Master should always be the number one on our lists. God will bless us as we bless Him. God will raise us up 'cause He loves raising His name up by us.
May you continue walking in Faith with your full extraordinary-commitment to our One True and ever living God.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
You are made to become God's worshipper
"For the word of the Lord is right and true;
He is faithful in all he does.
The Lord loves righteousness and justice;
The earth is full of his unfailing love."
I guess my mind were not really away that time, so i read it for like five times before I saw what God wants to say about me today. I was astounded by what I've learned and realized that very moment and it gives me an indescribable feeling of happiness.
ok here we go. I know this is very grade school and I really don't mind if you find it very childlike observation. Anyways,
In verse 4, we all know that the word of God (Bible) has full of richness. It has instructions, commands from God, promises, blessings and many more. Moreover, it also says that it is right and true. If some people doesn't believe at what God is telling here then - let's stop. But it doesn't end there. King David adds on how faithful God in all He does. Does everything make sense now?
Let me rephrase the question. Is it easy now to obey God? well, God is true on every promise and blessings that He's giving us. So I guess this make our relationship to God more closer than ever.
In verse 5, this is my favorite, God loves righteousness and justice. That moment it hit me, BAM! Then I said to myself "God loves righteousness and justice". This gave me all the reasons in the world to live a righteous life. A life that is pure, noble, not compromising and not living in a double standard world.
If some people are living like one or treats you badly then it's not the reason to bounce the same attitude back to person. God gave us the reason to live life to the fullest and appreciate life through everything he has created. The earth is full of his unfailing love.
It is not half-full neither half-empty. God said it is full. This where being appreciative and being a very good steward comes in. If we can just see how marvelous everything God had created for us then I guess there wouldn't be any problems in our world today.
I am happy that I can share my devotion in here. I hope it blessed you just like what it did to me today. The bottom line of this is that we should be able to appreciate all things in our life in a way God created it purposefully. We are created to become His worshiper. God created us to give Him all the glory and praise.
If we cannot see His marvelous work, then I guess there wouldn't be any reasons for us to know Him and praise our God.
I praise God that He lets me see this. I praise God for you who read this!
God bless!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What we are experiencing as of the moment is the effect of what we did before, Global warming, greenhouse effect, floods, tsunamis and earthquakes. We take everything God has given us for granted. We didn’t care for our environment; we care less to what He told us to take care of.
I am not an environmentalist or a student who studies these things. I am not even close to people who went to the streets to fight for what I think is right. I am just an ordinary woman who observes and is concerned about my future children. I am a Christian woman who loves God and is very much moved about this truth that I’ve learned from Him.
I desire to let other people know about this absolute truth that comes from the Maker of everything Himself. I am appealing to everyone who can read this to change the way we live. If not, by the year 2010 some regions in the North Pole will melt what will happen after won’t be as good as what we think it is. A great part of
When? It’s happening now. Climate change, viruses, floods. If we don’t stop conserving what we have right now, what will happen to our future generations? If we don’t stop emitting carbons what will happen to the world? The entire
Let’s reduce, reuse, and recycle. Let’s call the attention of everyone who can understand us to help our planet, to help our future generation to live a much better life. Let’s act on the upcoming problem before it can be a big one.
I don’t need special attention on this. I am not even sure if there are reading my blog. But what I am sure is that I will make everyone know that Global Warming is real and its effect isn’t a joke for us. It’s coming and it is coming to hit us very hard that we cannot bear to survive.
God is serious when He gave His only Son for us to live and have a life. He is serious when He told Adam and Eve to take care of everything He had created magnificently. He is serious on us too. I don’t know if you believe on Him, but I do. I believe that’s why I am taking this action. This is the one thing I know I can do to help spread the news.
Now you know this, what will you do to help the earth? To help yourself? To help your future children?
It’s your choice, your calling. It’s either you act now or you act never.
God bless you!
Observe what’s happening on the planet. It’s here. Everything that I’ve said here are facts. Research. Understand. ACT. NOW!