September 23, 2012
In all that God has done for us, how can we respond in a way that is leasing to Him?
Whom will we conform?
Which Pattern to follow? God's or worlds?
I. Change of Position (vs. 1-2)
Because of God's mercy, God is willing to forgive all our sins.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world
What are the practical way to change of position?
When you accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, you should be able to change the position of your life.
It must be according to the principles of God through the Bible.
It must me in the position of God's.
What's your position?
What are the practical way to change of position?
1. Remember Your Identity v.1
a. Uniqueness, Distinctiveness
b. Living Sacrifices
:. All of the things that we are doing must be used / done for the glory of God.
2. Recognize your limitations V.2a - Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
a. Lifestyle different from what the world dictates
b. Live as citizen of the future world (heaven)
c. Life's transformation begins with the way think
The transformation of our life begins when we change the way we think
3. Realize Your Purpose - v.2b
a. To please God, to give glory to Him
b. The tool we use to know His purpose is the Word of God
II. Change of Perception - vs. 3-5
a. Right Measurement v3
.The key to an honest and accurate evaluation is knowing the basis of our self-worth - our identity in Christ --
. Apart from Jesus Christ, we cannot do anything.
. Evaluating yourself by the worldly standards of success and achievement can cause you to think too much about your
worth in the eyes of others and thus miss your true value in God's eyes -- We must evaluate ourselves according to
God's standard.
. Neither and inflated ego nor a deflated person is free to obey.
b. Right Motivation v. 4
. Understand how the church operates or functions
. Each one has special function different from each other
. Understand that not everyone has the same gifts nor all the gifts
The church operates as one body.
c. Right Mindset v. 5
. Understand your value to the church and to each other (as part of the body)
. Humbly recognize our partnership in the body of Christ
. Only then can our gifts be used effectively, and only then can we appreciate other's gifts.
We humbly submit to each others.
III. Change of Performance (vs 6-8) - We have different gifts
a. Gifts are for each member of the body of Christ
. Speaking or Serving
b. Gifts are given for Church growth - cf. Ephesians 4:11-12
. Gifts fulfill their value as they are utilized for the benefit of others or the church
c. Gifts are for using not for having
. The list of gift is representative not exhaustive
. It would be difficult for one person to embody all these gifts
. An assertive prophet usually would not make a good counselor, and a generous giver might fail as a leader
God design all the Christian churches to succeed and not to fail.
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