Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Uncertainties.... Centerties... Uncertenties

We as human beings may have felt being uncertain yet certain about many things in our lives. Love on the other hand lets you feel both at the same time. According to the dictionary, feeling opposite emotions at the same time is called Ambivalence. Nice

I am never sure about what's happening to me. But I am very much sure about the God that I am believing. I know that His plans are greater than mine and His love is enough for me. I thank God that He lets me decide and choose the right things in my life.

One truth about God that I've learned this sunday, is that, God can never out ruled you. I mean, he cannot choose for you. I thank God because He is so awesome. Being so patient to let me learn how things should turn out to be and How things are doing in my life. - I hope I didn't confuse you. LOL

Oh well, learning to let go is the hardest of the things that I've learned. But I trust God. I know by trusting Him, He'll give new strength and will open my eyes to the beauty of His plan in my life.

And morever, I've learned that I need Jesus constatntly in my life. Every minute and every second of the day, I need His overwehlming, redeeming and healing presence. :)

God bless you.

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