Friday, November 20, 2009

God asked me if He can borrow my pen... but it's painful

Pain. It is one of the strong emotions that we people have the opportunity to feel and that's one of the many traits that makes us human. 

I've learned in life that you cannot fell two strong emotions at once. Either you feel happy or you feel pain. Glad or upset.

I never thought that giving God the pen of my life can be really painful. For some reason it's just too painful for me to handle. My head knows what is right but my heart feels what the brain can't seem understand. 

I am just talking about myself and I am not rationalizing the entire Christianity. Every believer has their own unique journey with God and every believer has their own unique story. So this is is my story, this is my journey.

All I know right now is that God will never leave me nor forsake me whatever my decision will be or Whatever I'll be doing, God won't love me more or less. His love is enough for me. So, the question would be, will I do things that will make God sad?  The answer of course not!

God is a loving God yet He is just. I know that His plan is far much greater than what I can think or imagine of. 

He is a great God. 

I may feel pain as of the moment because I am human. And sometimes you have to feel pain in order for you to feel loved. :)

God bless

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

God asked me if He can borrow my pen... then what?

Ok God asked me to borrow my pen.. then what?

Really what now? hmm, life may seem a little bit frustrating especially when you're at some point in your life where you're caught in the middle.

I know I am off the boat of life that's why when it comes to something I love I can jump through all the hoops. I know I can be a tough cookie at times and with that I feel like I am twisting in the wind.

So, what now? hmm, I really don't have any other plan but I am still in the process of giving the pen to my Master. That's where I am at the moment. I thank God 'cause during this time of my i-don't-know-what-to-call-catastrophe, He's always at my side. :) whatever I do, He never fails to understand.

Next stop: What is it after I give my pen to God? what's my next move?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

God asked me if He can borrow my pen...

This is not really something to worry about but I just got this thought while moaning over something so hard for me to let go.

So it's like this: "God asked me if He can borrow my pen..." 

I've read Proverbs 23. Verses 15 and following struck me like a dagger. God made it clear about being zelous for the fear of the Lord. 

And  God asked me to give the pen of life to Him. Of course who am I to say no right? It takes time for me to give my pen to God. For some reason, I like write how things will go in life. I love directing which part goes out and which part comes in. 

And then, God said to give my heart to Him. 

I am just a normal Christian person who goes through with life. I am not perfect. I commit mistakes. I am idealistic with lots of things. Sometimes I am a complete mess and sometimes I can be the calmest sea. Once in a while i burst out my tears and my raging fury. I am just a person. Loved by God, Saved through His son, Jesus.

I don't have a very eventful life but I have a meaningful journey through life with Christ. I can sometimes cross different path but I thank God that He guides me to go back where I've left.

I guess life wouldn't be as colorful as this without God. Without Jesus life can be as dark as not seeing hope.

God bless. Be blessed. Become a blessing today!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My own definition of Moving on

Moving on: it is the moment that you've realized you're no longer in pain. Thinking bout that person will give you peace rather than hurt. It is being happy by seeing him happy without you and not being affected negatively by what you see or hear bout him.

I learn things by experience. I am best at things when I am being asked about it. I do things excellently when no one asked me to. I can easily adapt to people by talking to them. I am very good at sharing experiences to others. I am a very emotional person and I can't live without someone to talk to or someone's asking me something.

I may be too innocent at some point in my life. I may be too naive. For others my life is boring and lifeless and for some I am living the most excellent life. But as for me, my life is perfect in God's eyes. Everything that is happening to me is according to God and whatever comes after this would be the most exciting part of my life. 

I admit I have many issues in my life. I can be dark and twisty at times or I can be bright and smiley. The bottom line is whatever i may be my God never change.

I may never experience everything about this life. I have never experienced the life that I must live yet. All i know is you will get stronger only if you lay down everything in God's care. 

Be blessed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Uncertainties.... Centerties... Uncertenties

We as human beings may have felt being uncertain yet certain about many things in our lives. Love on the other hand lets you feel both at the same time. According to the dictionary, feeling opposite emotions at the same time is called Ambivalence. Nice

I am never sure about what's happening to me. But I am very much sure about the God that I am believing. I know that His plans are greater than mine and His love is enough for me. I thank God that He lets me decide and choose the right things in my life.

One truth about God that I've learned this sunday, is that, God can never out ruled you. I mean, he cannot choose for you. I thank God because He is so awesome. Being so patient to let me learn how things should turn out to be and How things are doing in my life. - I hope I didn't confuse you. LOL

Oh well, learning to let go is the hardest of the things that I've learned. But I trust God. I know by trusting Him, He'll give new strength and will open my eyes to the beauty of His plan in my life.

And morever, I've learned that I need Jesus constatntly in my life. Every minute and every second of the day, I need His overwehlming, redeeming and healing presence. :)

God bless you.