Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Stranger in a Crammed full of Known People

A street full of people who attracts each other. The sun is mid high and the wind is breezing at the right temperature to refresh everyone. All is talking and laughing. Seems to enjoy the full bright of day and the right temperature that sets the perfect mood for everyone. 

I walked passing through the masses of people, wearing my most beautiful smile. I stare observantly at each eyes, at each face and none seems to care to stare back. I keep on walking until I approach the mid section of the crammed street. No one seems familiar. I keep on walking and walking until I am at the end of the street. No one sees me. No one ever notice my presence. I looked back and saw the same crowded street. The wind is still blowing. The sun is still shining. I am still standing alone. Alone.

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